Lawns to Legumes sign in a project of native landscaping.
Photo Credit: Metro Blooms
Lawns to Legumes: "your yard can bee the change"

Grant Description

This competitively-funded program establishes community projects on residential properties, and is intended to enhance pollinator habitat in key corridors, raise awareness for residential pollinator protection, and showcase best practices. Information on this page applies to both Phase 1 (2020 start) and Phase 2 (2022 start) grants.

For additional information regarding acceptable vegetation and expenses allowed under this grant, please visit FAQ: Acceptable Vegetation and Expenses for Lawns to Legumes Demonstration Neighborhood Grant.


Reporting Overview

A workplan must be approved before work can begin on this grant. For guidance in creating a work plan, please download the eLINK Guidance Document: Creating a Lawns to Legumes Demonstration Neighborhood Grant Workplan (PDF). The workplan should be developed in eLINK using the activities proposed in the application, although BWSR may require additional details at this stage.  The workplan will lock upon submittal to BWSR for approval, preventing edits to the approved budget but allowing you to enter expenses and reporting details as work is completed.

A Landowner Agreement Example is available for use between the grantee and landowner(s). 

Along with the Landowner Agreement, grant managers should provide care and maintenance information (Operations and Maintenance Plan) to grant participants on how to maintain new pollinator plantings. Grantees may use their own plans or utilize/edit BWSR's basic Care Guide for this purpose.

  • BWSR Care Guide for Lawns to Legumes Plantings (pdf) (doc)

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement. Grantees must adhere to the Lawns to Legumes logo use policy.

Paid invoices or receipts and documentation of in-kind must be uploaded to the Attachments tab of the grant in eLINK as part of payment request.



eLINK Reporting Requirements



Program Policy

FY20: Lawns to Legumes Phase 1 Program Policy (pdf)

FY22: Lawns to Legumes Phase 2 Program Policy (pdf)

Administered By


Application Completed in eLINK

Yes (FY20/Phase 1 RFP) (FY22/Phase 2 RFP)

Proposed Indicators in Application


Grant Agreement Distributed Through eLINK


Exempt from eLINK Reporting


Additional Report Attachment

Yes: Paid invoices or receipts and documentation of in-kind must be uploaded to the Attachments tab of the grant in eLINK as part of payment request.

Non-eLINK Reporting Required




Match Requirement

10% match required in high-priority areas; outside high-priority areas, a 25% match is required.

Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)




Rates & Hours




Actual Results


Payment Schedule

Reimbursement (quarterly). Requests may be submitted once quarterly, with quarterly deadlines on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

The grant agreement stipulates that quarterly reporting (with or without payment request) is due by the final date of each quarter. Please note that we will allow a 10 day grace period in quarterly reporting to balance complete reporting for each quarter with timely processing of payments (subject to approved reports). For example, reporting for the quarter ending March 31st must be submitted by April 10.

BWSR recognizes that due to lag time in local board approval of invoices, payment on expenditures from a previous quarter may need to be requested on a future report.




Dan Shaw
Senior Ecologist/Vegetation Specialist