2023 BWSR Board Meeting Schedule

  • January 25
  • February – no meeting
  • March 22
  • April 26
  • May 24
  • June 28
  • July – no meeting
  • August 23-24 (Wed-Thurs) – Tour and meeting
  • September 27
  • October 25
  • November – no meeting
  • December 14 (second Thursday)

The board meets the fourth Wednesday of the month unless noted.


Board Meeting Documents


General Order of Business Elements

The general order of business for regular BWSR Board meetings typically includes:

  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
  3. Public Access Forum
  4. Chair's, Executive Director’s, and Committee Reports
  5. Agency Reports
  6. Advisory Reports
  7. Committee Recommendations
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Board issues and information
  11. Upcoming Meetings
  12. Adjournment