Habitat Enhancement Landscape Program Logo



Strategic Support of Pollinators and Other At-risk Wildlife

Program Summary

This new program is focused on restoring and enhancing diverse native habitat on conservation lands and natural areas strategically located across Minnesota to address declining pollinators and other beneficial insects. Dramatic declines of bees, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies and other beneficial insects that support our ecosystems and food systems have been raising significant alarm among scientists and conservation professionals both locally and globally. This program fills a need for a state grant program focused on establishing targeted, high diversity pollinator and beneficial habitat on conservation lands and natural areas. The program is focused on establishing high diversity pollinator plots and/or enhancing the habitat value of riparian areas, prairies, savannas, wetlands or forests. The program is also part of efforts to update state seed mixes to maximize diversity levels, refine restoration methods and identifying lands that are a high priority for restoration.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants include Conservation Districts, Watershed Districts, Watershed Management Organizations and Counties. Partnerships with other organizations and combining other state and federal funding sources is encouraged.

RFP Timeline

There is currently no open RFP for this program.  We anticipate future RFPs.

Program Conservation Plan Templates

All projects will require a completed Action Plan Template for Pollinator Habitat Projects. This template is a Google Document and has been designed as a new format for projects partners to collaborate on planning to maximize benefits for pollinators and other beneficial insects.

Related Resources

BWSR Pollinator and Biodiversity Toolbox – This toolbox provides information about assessing and prioritizing project sites, plant selection, project site preparation, installation and management for this program and other BWSR programs focused on establishing habitat.

Webinar summarizing habitat restoration and management strategies 

BWSR Snapshot Habitat Enhancement Landscape Pilot boosts biodiversity, benefits at-risk species (PDF)


Dan Shaw dan.shaw@state.mn.us


Dan Shaw
Senior Ecologist/Vegetation Specialist