The Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) implements state soil and water conservation programs and wetland policies through a statewide partnership. The mission of the BWSR board and staff is to improve and protect Minnesota's water and soil resources by working in partnership with local organizations and private landowners.

budget chart

Agency Funding

The General fund is the State's primary revenue source fund, however the Board of Water and Soil Resources receives the majority of its funding from the Clean Water Fund and Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council Fund.

For the FY20/21 biennium, BWSR's funding was derived from these sources:

  • General Fund:  11%
  • Clean Water Fund:  55%
  • Outdoor Heritage Fund:  13%
  • LCCMR (Environmental Trust Fund): 4%
  • Bonding Funds:  8%
  • Other Funds:  9%


Agency Expenditures

pie chart showing 18% agency expenditures and 82% pass through funds

Much of BWSR's work is accomplished through the work of local government conservation, and as a result approximately 82% of the agency's funding is passed through to these partners.

Expenditures for the 2020-2021 Biennium

  • Grants to local Government Units:  82%
  • Agency Operations:  18%


Amie Wunderlich
Interim Chief Financial Officer