Grant Description

This non-competitive CWF grant invests in building the capacity of NPEA (TSA) Joint Powers Boards to increase the capacity of soil and water conservation districts to provide technical and engineering assistance to landowners. For grants issued in FY18 or later, there is a 10% match required. For FY16 and 17, two grants were issued to each TSA; Part 1 has no matching requirement, while Part 2 requires a 25% match, of which 10% must by local cash match.

Reporting Overview

A workplan must be approved before work can begin on this grant. The workplan should be developed in eLINK. For equipment & supplies expenditures greater than $3,500, the grantee must describe in the workplan how all equipment purchased will continue to be used for the same program through its useful life, or, if the use changes, a commitment to pay back an amount equal to either the cash value received or a residual value approved. The workplan will lock upon submittal to BWSR for approval, preventing edits to the approved budget but allowing you to enter expenses and reporting details as work is completed. If you need make revisions to the workplan after it has been approved and locked, please consult with your Board Conservationist.

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual.  Clean Water Fund grant agreements stipulate that the grantee must “comply with requirements for project signage.” The logo may be displayed on legacy-funded construction projects; at access points to any land or water resources restored, protected, or enhanced through Legacy funds; or on printed and other materials funded with money from one or more of the funds. The Legacy logo should be prominently displayed on the grantee’s website.

eLINK Reporting Requirements



Program Policies


Clean Water Fund – Subject to all CWF requirements, including use of the Legacy logo

Technical Service Area (TSA) Program Policy

Administered By


Application Completed in eLINK


Proposed Indicators in Application


Grant Agreement Distributed Through eLINK


Exempt from eLINK Reporting


Additional Report Attachment


Non-eLINK Reporting Required




Match Requirement for Part 1 (FY17 & Prior) None
Match Requirement for Part 2 (FY17 & Prior)

25% of which 10% must be local cash match

Match Requirement for FY18 & Beyond 10%
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)




Rates & Hours

Yes – use this tool in eLINK to calculate Full Time Employees funded through the grant



Actual Results


Payment Schedule

100% Advance Payment