Grant Description

The Natural Resources Block Grant (NRBG) is a composite of base grants available to local government units that help them implement programs designed to protect and improve water resources. The DNR Shoreland grant is used for the administration of state approved Shoreland management programs. It is administered at the state level by the Community Stewardship unit of the Department of Natural Resources to promote wise development of shorelands in order to preserve and enhance the quality of surface waters, preserve the economic values of shorelands, and ensure the wise use of water and related resources. A local 1:1 match is required for grants FY19 and earlier; no match is required for grants FY20 and beyond. Grant recipients must have a DNR approved shoreland ordinance.

Policy allows recipients of the Natural Resources Block Grant to “flex” spending of the grant allocation and match across the Local Water Management, Wetland Conservation Act, and Shoreland grants.

Grant questions should be directed to you Board Conservationist. Program questions should be directed to Kathleen Metzker at (651) 259-5694 or

Reporting Overview

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual.  The NRBG Shoreland grant does not require a workplan. Expenses should be reported in eLINK, and a description of how the funds were used should be entered in the Actual Results field.  The full amount of this grant is typically paid to the grantee upon execution of the NRBG grant agreement or, in the case of the second year of a biennial grant agreement, will be paid after July 1 of the second fiscal year.

eLINK Reporting Requirements



Program Policy

NRBG Flex Policy

Administered By


Application Completed in eLINK


Proposed Indicators in Application


Grant Agreement Distributed Through eLINK


Exempt from eLINK Reporting


Additional Report Attachment


Non-eLINK Reporting Required




Match Requirement

Grants issued FY19 and prior: 100%

Grants issued FY20 and beyond: No match required.

Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)



Yes (if funds used for on-the-ground practices)

Rates & Hours

Yes (if funds used for on-the-ground practices)



Actual Results


Payment Schedule

100% Advance Payment


Gwen Steel
Grants and Reporting Specialist