Logo for Cooperative Weed Management Area Program
Kids removing invasive plants.
Photo by Great River Greening





Goals of the Cooperative Weed Management Area program include:

  • Developing and sustaining strong partnerships between landowners, government units and other interested partners to manage invasive species across geographic boundaries.
  • Controlling emerging weed threats and managing invasive species that threaten natural areas and conservation lands.
  • Facilitating the removal of invasive plant species through an integrated pest management approach, and the restoration/reconstruction of native plant communities through an ecosystem approach.

Q & A about CWMAs (pdf)

CWMA FY16-17 Technical Assistance Option Request Word document (docx) (posted March 17, 2016)  - This policy allows for flexibility with technical assistance funding amounts for the program.


As this is a State Cost-Share program, SWCDs are the eligible grant applicants for this program grant. Other organizations may consider applying in partnership with SWCDs to help develop and run the Cooperative Weed Management Area.

Minnesota Cooperative Weed Management Areas

Invasive species management efforts play a key role in maintaining the integrity of natural areas and conservation lands. This webpage lists key resources related to invasive species management in Minnesota as well as information about BWSR’s Cooperative Weed Management Area Program. The diagram below shows how partnerships in Minnesota play a key role in invasive species management.  

Additional Invasive Species Information

Diagram of collaborative invasive species management in Minnesota.

If you have questions regarding grant program policies, please contact your board conservationist.