Lily pads on lake



This program is intended to expand partnerships to protect and restore Minnesota’s water resources. The Legislature appropriated $400,000 in fiscal year 2022 and $600,000 in fiscal year 2023 from the Clean Water Fund “for developing and implementing a water legacy grant program to expand partnerships for clean water.”

Eligible Applicants

Nongovernmental organizations and tribal governments are eligible for this funding.

RFP and Award Information

The RFP for this program is closed.

FY2022-2023 awarded applications

Related Resources

2022-2023 Program policy

2022-2023 RFP

Grant profile

Program fact sheet

RFP recorded webinar

May 15, 2023 external partner training recorded presentation and Presentation PDF







Shaina Keseley
Clean Water Specialist
Annie Felix Gerth
Clean Water Coordinator