Work Order Summary 

BWSR has historically provided payments to SWCDs for easement acquisition costs ($2000/easement) and site inspection costs ($40-$50/easement) through a grant process. In 2017, BWSR Easements entered into an initial Master Joint Powers Agreement between each SWCD and BWSR to improve accountability and tracking. A second Master Joint Powers Agreement was initiated in 2020 to cover work through 2025. SWCDs are responsible for keeping track of whether work orders are administered under the 2017 or 2020 Master Joint Powers Agreement and utilize the respective reimbursement forms (see “Invoicing” section below).

Easement Delivery Work Orders

On an annual basis, BWSR will issue Work Orders for Easement Delivery. The amount is calculated based on the number of easements within your SWCD as of the end of the state fiscal year (June 30, 20XX). This Easement Delivery Work Order is only for the SWCD duties listed under the Easement Delivery portion of the Work Order.

To begin this process, BWSR will send an Easement Delivery Work Order to each SWCD. Once all signatures are obtained on the work order, BWSR will initiate payment to the SWCD. No invoicing is required with this process.

Easement Acquisition Work Orders

After you submit an easement application and that application has been funded, BWSR will issue an Easement Acquisition Work Order. This Work Order will include $2,000 per newly funded easement. Under the 2017 Master Joint Powers Agreement this includes the duties listed under Phase 1 ($1,000), Phase 2 ($500), and Phase 3($500). Under the 2020 Master Joint Powers Agreement these same duties were categorized into just two phases: Phase 1 ($1,000) and Phase 2 ($1,000) for clarity and ease in providing partial reimbursement upon cancellation of an easement. These Phases are what BWSR considers Easement Acquisition.

SWCDs may submit for reimbursement for services covered under Easement Acquisition Work Orders when an easement is both recorded and paid during open invoicing months (see “Invoicing” section below).

Technical Assistance (Plan Development/Construction Implementation) Work Orders

Select funded applications that include wetland restorations will be eligible for additional payments. BWSR will identify these applications and issue a Technical Assistance Work Order.

SWCDs may submit for reimbursement for services covered under Technical Assistance Work Orders when the construction project is complete and a certification email from BWSR Engineering has been received. This email will communicate the level of assistance for which the SWCD is eligible to be reimbursed (See “Invoicing” section below).


BWSR Easements has quarterly open invoicing months for which SWCDs can submit work order reimbursements: February, May, August, and November.

To request reimbursement on services covered under a work order, SWCDs must use the correct invoice form corresponding with the Master Contract under which the work order is administered. SWCDs are expected to track work orders accordingly.

2020 Master Contract Invoice Form

BWSR will send out quarterly reminders to submit invoices during these Open Invoicing Periods.

Changes to Authorized Representative

If there have been any changes to the Authorized Representative that is authorized to sign Work Orders at your SWCD, please help BWSR to reflect this information by filling out the SWCD Information Form, sign and date, then scan and send to

Additional Information

BWSR held webinars at the initiation of the Master Joint Powers Program that detailed the MJPA process. These webinars covered the purpose for the switchover to this new process and an orientation to the process and related documents. The January 23rd webinar presentation is linked below.

  •   January 23rd MJPA Webinar Slides