lawns to legumes logo

If you’re interested in using the Lawns to Legumes logo to promote the program or similar habitat programs, it is  required that the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Communications staff review and approve any outreach materials bearing the logo prior to publication. This approval is needed because the presence of the logo indicates association with Lawns to Legumes, a taxpayer funded program.

Because Lawns to Legumes is supported by public funding, the logo cannot be used to generate profit or sell items. To submit potential outreach items for review, please send them to Mary Juhl, BWSR Communications Coordinator, at Please plan ahead and allow at least one week for BWSR review. BWSR staff may choose to make edits to your outreach materials bearing the Lawns to Legumes logo.


Mary Juhl
Communications Coordinator
Paul Erdmann
Ecological Science Conservationist