Grant Description

This competitive grant program funds multipurpose drainage management practices, targeting critical pollution source areas to reduce erosion and sedimentation, reduce peak flows and flooding, and improve water quality, while protecting drainage system efficiency and reducing drainage system maintenance for priority Chapter 103E drainage systems. Practices include eligible on-field, on-farm, and on-drainage system practices within the benefited area or the watershed of a Priority Chapter 103E Drainage System.  
These grants can be an “external source of funding“ for water quality improvements, wetland restoration or flood control purposes, in accordance with: 1) Section 103E.011, Subd. 5. Use of external sources of funding; 2) the multipurpose water management provisions in Section 103E.015 Considerations before drainage work is done; and/or 3) other applicable provisions of Chapter 103E.

Grant Tools & Resources

Template: Perpetual Conservation Easement for Drainage Management and Flowage - A perpetual conservation easement is required for storage and treatment wetland restoration practices. This form has already been reviewed and approved by the MN Attorney General and BWSR. If a grantee modifies or chooses not to use this form, they will need additional review and approval from BWSR and the Attorney General's office.

Multipurpose Drainage Management Fact Sheet - Informational fact sheet regarding multipurpose agricultural drainage management practices and applicable funding sources.

Reporting Overview

A workplan must be developed in eLINK and approved before work can begin on this grant. The workplan will lock upon submittal to BWSR for approval, preventing edits to the approved budget but allowing you to enter expenses and reporting details as work is completed. If you need make revisions to the workplan after it has been approved and
locked, please consult with your Board Conservationist.

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual.  Clean Water Fund grant agreements stipulate that the grantee must “comply with requirements for project signage.” The logo may be displayed on legacy-funded construction projects; at access points to any land or water resources restored, protected, or enhanced through Legacy funds; or on printed and other materials funded with money from one or more of the funds. The Legacy logo should be prominently displayed on the grantee’s website.

eLINK Reporting Requirements



Program Policy

Clean Water Fund – Subject to all CWF requirements, including use of the Legacy logo.

Administered By


Application Completed in eLINK


Proposed Indicators in Application


Grant Agreement Distributed Through eLINK


Exempt from eLINK Reporting


Additional Report Attachment


Non-eLINK Reporting Required




Match Requirement


Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)




Rates & Hours

Yes – use this tool in eLINK to calculate Full Time Equivalent employees funded through the grant



Actual Results


Payment Schedule




Mark Hiles
Clean Water Specialist