Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.

Online Learning
This table displays Online Learning opportunities and details.
Training calendar
Title Subject Skill Format Description Source
Nutrients, Soil Biology and Diversity in Agroecosystems Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time: 1:55) Nutrients, Soil Biology and Diversity in Agroecosystems (2/3) webinars are prerequisites for the Minnesota Soil Health Field Day and…


Introduction to Soil Health Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time: 1:50)  Introduction to soil health (1/3) webinars are prerequisites for the Minnesota Soil Health Field Day and Minnesota Soil Health…


Understanding Soil Quality Impacts on Soil Functions and Other Resource Concerns Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time: 1:18) Participants learn about nutrient management and healthy soils, and the resulting effects on water quality through a study…

Ohio State University Extension

Unlock the Secrets in the Soil Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Video

A series of 41 videos, mostly under five minutes each that discuss various soil health topics and applications of soil health principles. …


Core NRCS Conservation Practices for Enhancing Soil Health Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time: 1:10) This webinar focuses on how several core NRCS conservation practices can be used by farmers to improve soil health, linking them…


Soil Quality - the Foundation for Resource Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time: 1:55)  Participants in the webinar learn about Natural Resources Conservation Service conservation planning principles to improve soil…


Soil Health Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Video

(Time: 57:21)  In this session, Dr. Jessica Gutknecht discusses soil health. When you think about the soil beneath your feet, or…

University of Minnesota

The Relevance of Soil Biology in Assessing Fertility and Soil Health Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time:1:22:00) Participants will learn how soil biology directly and indirectly influence crop growth and nutrient cycling, along with…


Soil Health and New Soil Testing Methods Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

(Time: 1:47:00)  This webinar will give participants an overview of soil health and new soil testing tools for N-P-K that take into account…


Building your Soil Structure Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Video

(Time: 19:45)  Hal Weiser, USDA, discusses how to improve soil structure and soil biology to maximize crop production.

University of Minnesota, Extension

WEPS WebStart Demonstration Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Video

(Time: 36:04) This video also includes an overview of planned timeline and implementation of WEPP.


Demonstration of WEPP in more detail Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Video

(Time: 1:00:27)  This session includes cover crops, kill crop, mulch/manure additions, weed growth, irrigation, etc.


WEPP - Overview of Session 1 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Video

(Time: 16:37)


IET2 Demonstration Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Video

(Time:  31:13)


WEPP Demonstration and Use Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Video

(Time: 54:35)


WEPP Science Introduction and PowerPoint presentation Erosion Control Soil Erosion Prediction Models Video

(Time: 23:28)  Water Erosion Prediction Project


Introduction to Plant Identification Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Plant ID Webinar

(Time: 1:07:49)   Plants are of central importance to natural resource conservation. Thus, the ability to identify species or species…


Solar-powered Water Systems for Grazing Operations Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

(Time: 1:14) Participants in this webinar will learn important considerations in planning for a solar-powered water delivery system for…

Conservation Webinars

Forage Management Resources Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Reference Material

(Time: will vary) This website provides research and other resources related to forage selection, planting, pest management, harvest and…

University of Minnesota, Extension

Grazing Systems Planning Guide Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Reference Material

(Time: will vary)  This guide discusses the components of a grazing system by taking you through the grazing management planning process…

University of Minnesota

Improving Pastures Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Video

(Time: 55:38) In this session, U of M Extension Educator Troy Salzer covers the importance of soil testing, fertilizing, liming, and…

University of Minnesota Extension

A Practical Field Guide for Designing Conservation Buffers Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 00:52)  In this webinar, participants will learn how to use evidence-based guidelines for designing vegetative buffers as presented in…

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Establishment of Wildflower Habitat for Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and Wildlife Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 2:00) This webinar provides instruction regarding the creation or restoration of quality pollinator habitat.

Xerces Society/NRCS

Restoring Native Plant Communities: Soil and Hydrology Suited Planning Tools Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 1:07)  This webinar explains how native plant community restoration can be guided by existing natural inventories. 


Conserving Pollinators While Addressing Other Resource Concerns Pollinators Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 01:30)  This webinar discusses planning and implementing conservation measures to address multiple resource concerns, including…

Xerces Society/NRCS

Building Better Native Seed Mixes Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 59:45) Webinar 7 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center;  Learn how to make the State of Minnesota’s new…

University of Minnesota

Ten Things to Know About Planting Wet Areas Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 59:27)  Webinar 6 of 7 from U of M Ecological Restoration Training Center  Wet areas such as wetlands, shorelines, and stormwater…

University of Minnesota

Selecting Seed Sources to “Future-Proof” Restored Plant Communities Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 1:03:32)  Webinar 5 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center    Selecting seed sources for…

University of Minnesota

Interseeding Prairies to Enhance Diversity Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Reference Material

(Time: will vary)  Webinar 4 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center;  Interseeding to enhance native diversity…

University of Minnesota

Biocontrol for Ecological Restoration in Minnesota: Looking Back and Looking Forward Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 57:56) Webinar 3 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; Biocontrol has proven to be an effective tool for the…

University of Minnesota

Planning to Avoid Pitfalls: The Key to Restoration Success Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 41:25)  Webinar 2 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; No manager wants to lose a restoration project to…

University of Minnesota

Learning by Doing: Why Restoration Records Matter Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

(Time: 58:00) Webinar 1 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; Maintaining project records is essential for keeping long-…

University of Minnesota

Certificate in Ecological Restoration Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Online Course

(Time: 150 hours) The Ecological Restoration certificate is a 150-hour program comprising five required courses. The certificate…

University of Minnesota

Pollinators, Monarchs and Beneficial Insects Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Reference Material

This website has multiple references for conservation planning for pollinators, monarch and beneficial insects.


Pollinators Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Video

(Time: 57:21) In this session, Elaine Evans will discuss pollinators.   Pollinators are a crucial part of our food production…

University of Minnesota

Hydrology and Terrain Analysis Tools for Using LiDAR Data Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Webinar


LiDAR Based Tools & Applications for Estimation and Design Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Video

(Time:12:29)  Peter Mead (Cartographic Technician) and Wes Drake (Agricultural Engineer) from the Minnesota NRCS provide an overview and…


GPS 101: Introduction to GPS Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Video

(Time: 24:30)  This is an introductory presentation on the U.S. Global Positioning System.  It is not training on specific…


Watershed Tools Demo Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Video

This video is a demonstration of each step of a watershed delineation and RCN determination for a project site.  The demonstration shows the…


Installing Engineering Tools Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Video

(Time: 3:32) This video is a quick demonstration of where to find, download, and how to install
the NRCS-Engineering Tools toolbox into…


VegScape Vegetation Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

Layer developed by USDA NASS in cooperation with NASA.  Map showing crop condition monitoring system. Integrates soil moisture, temperature,…

CropScape Crops Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

Layer developed by USDA NASS in cooperation with NASA.  Map showing crop history of areas going back to 1997.  Also evaluation of how…

USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)

Census of Agriculture Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

County specific data (examples include acres and sales by crop type, number and sales by livestock type and types of operators and operations) can…

USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)

Introduction to Beef Cattle Production in the United States Livestock Ag & Agronomy Online Course

Nine modules:  Module 1:  Beef Cattle Genetic Management; Time: 20 - 25 minutes; Module 2: Beef Cattle Nutrition and Feeding; Time: 30…

NRCS, Texas A&M Extension

Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows Livestock Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

This document provides guidance on how to determine a body condition score (BCS) for beef cows.  Body condition scores are excellent…

Virginia Cooperative Extension

Breeds of Livestock Livestock Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

This site provides a comprehensive inventory of the various domestic breeds of livestock including cattle, goats, horses, sheep, swine, poultry…

Oklahoma State University, Department of Animal Science

University of Minnesota Extension: Beef Extension Livestock Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

This site provides access to publications and other resources related to beef production in Minnesota including cow/calf management, feedlot…

U of M Extension

CORE 4 Pest Management Technical References and Training Materials Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

Basic overview of pest management principles.  Materials concentrate on assessing environmental risks of pest management alternatives.

NRCS, June 1999

Economics and Environmental Issues Nutrient Management Ag & Agronomy Webinar

(Time: 00:24:31) Information is presented on nitrogen management considerations for high profitability and low environmental risks;…

NRCS, June 2014

Soil Sampling Nutrient Management Ag & Agronomy Webinar

(Time: 00:26:25) Information is presented on soil sampling strategies and sample handling/testing procedures.

NRCS, June 2014