Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.

Online Learning
This table displays Online Learning opportunities and details.
Training calendar
Title Subject Skill Format Description Source
Forest Stand Improvement Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Forest Stand Improvement (…


Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Windbreaks and Shelterbelts (…


Integrated Pest Management Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, write, and certify Integrated Pest Management plans…


Conservation Cover Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Conservation Cover (CPS327…


Residue and Tillage Management, No Till Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Residue and Tillage Management…

Critical Area Planting Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Critical Area Planting (CPS342…


Nutrient Management Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, write, and certify Nutrient Management plans (…


Wetland Restoration Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Wetland Restorations (CPS567).…


Tech Talk: Native Plant ID Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Plant ID Webinar

Karin Jokela, Xerces Society Partner Biologist, and Jeff Kalin, NRCS State Wildlife Biologist, cover native plant identification for the most…


Cover Crop Training Series Practice Specific

This training series provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, design, and install Cover Crops (CPS340).…


Tech Talk: Livestock Watering System Planning Livestock Practice Specific

Jeff Duchene, NRCS Grazing Lands Specialist, covers the planning considerations for livestock watering systems. Topics covered include identifying…


Water and Sediment Control Basin Training Series Practice Specific

This is a collection of trainings, replays, and information pertaining to the design, installation, and certification of Water and Sediment…


Grassed Waterway Training Series Practice Specific

This is a collection of trainings, replays, and information pertaining to the design, installation, and certification of Grassed Waterways (CPS412…


Tech Talk: Brush Management (CPS314) In Pastures Practice Specific Webinar

Jeff Duchene, NRCS Grazing Lands Specialist, reviews the Brush Management (PS314) practice standard, implementation requirements, and statement of…


Forest Pests and Disease Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This Minnesota DNR website has links to forest pests and disease descriptions, identification and management options. 


Forages Crops Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

This website provides information on variety selection, growing, harvest and storage, planting and pest management for forages in Minnesota.

U of M Extension

Sugarbeets Crops Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

This website provides information on  growing sugarbeets and pest management for sugarbeets Minnesota.

U of M Extension

Small Grains Crops Ag & Agronomy Reference Material

This website provides information on crop and variety selection, growing, harvest and storage, planting and pest management for small grains in…

U of M Extension

Weed Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This website provides information on weed identification, herbicides and herbicide resistance management.

U of M Extension

Sugarbeet Pest Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This website provides information on insects and diseases affecting sugarbeets.  

U of M Extension

Soybean Pest Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This website provides information on insects and diseases affecting soybean.

U of M Extension

Small Grain Pest Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This website provides information about diseases and insects common to Minnesota small grain crops.

U of M Extension

Forage Pest Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This website provides information on alfalfa diseases and insects. 

U of M Extension

Corn Pest Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Reference Material

This website provides information on insects, diseases and nematodes affecting corn.

U of M Extension

Nutrient Management Module 6c: Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment Practice Specific Webinar

Kelly Voigt, TTCP Training Conservationist, demonstrates the process to complete the Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment worksheet.


Tech Talk: Waste Facility Closure Practice Design Practice Specific Webinar

Craig Peterson, NRCS AE, and Patrick Schultz, TTCP Training Engineer, will provide a general discussion of topics related to the Waste Facility…


Reviewing the 2020 Farm Economics to Make 2021 Decisions on the Farm Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

This session will review the farm economics for Minnesota farms in 2020 including COVID impacts and opportunities. Additionally, we will review…


Your Insect Allies: Meet the Beneficial Insects that Control Crop Pests and Promote Soil Health Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Pest Management Webinar

Join Karin Jokela, Pollinator Conservation Specialist with the Xerces Society, to get to know some of the most common beneficial insects above and…


Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 13 - Nutrient Recommendations Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Dr. Daniel Kaiser, UMN Extension, discusses soil sampling and using the results when making fertilizer recommendations for phosphorus and…


Nutrient Management Module 12 - Nutrient Recommendations 1 Part 2 Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Brad Carlson, Dr. Dan Kaiser, Anne Nelson, UofM Extension Educators presents an abbreviated Nitrogen Smart Course.  


Nutrient Management Module 12 - Nutrient Recommendations 1 Part 1 Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Brad Carlson, Dr. Dan Kaiser, Anne Nelson, UofM Extension Educators presents an abbreviated Nitrogen Smart Course.  


Wetland Restoration Practice Specific Webinar

This training will enable field staff involved in project applications, the design, or the construction of wetland restorations to have a solid…


Forestry Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Forestry Basics and Practices Video

Duane Fogard, American Bird Conservancy Forester,  from the  Duluth Field Office,  will lead us in a review of commonly used forest…


Agronomy 101, Part 2 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Video

Part 2 of 2, This training is presented by Centrol Crop Consulting Agronomists Ian Olson and Ken Fransky.   They present information on soils…

TTCP, Centrol Crop Consulting

Agronomy 101, Part 1 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Video

Part 1 of 2, This training is presented by Centrol Crop Consulting Agronomists Ian Olson and Ken Fransky.   They present information on soils…

TTCP, Centrol Crop Consulting

Tech Talk: Tree/Shrub Establishment CPS 612 Practice Specific Video

This session covers the use of Web Soil Survey to identify Conservation Tree/Shrub Groups and using the CTSG group spreadsheet to select species…


Tech Talk: Minnesota Natural Resource Atlas Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Webinar

Are you looking for a user friendly tool for visualizing and analyzing spatial data and information? If so, join Will Bartsch and Cindy Hagley,…


Tech Talk: Construction Inspection - Materials Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Construction Inspection Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from January 25, 2021. The fourth part of the Construction Inspection series, this session covers various details regarding…


Tech Talk: HEC-HMS - Modeling a Grade Stabilization Structure Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from March 1, 2021,  A demonstration on how to use HEC-HMS to model a Grade Stabilization Structure.


Nutrient Management Module 11: Manure Sampling, Testing and Crediting Nutrient Management Practice Specific Video

Jeff King, NRCS Water Quality Specialist, describes the requirements for manure sampling and testing and how to calculate manure nutrient credits…


Nutrient Management Module 5b: Nitrogen Loss Risk Assessment Nutrient Management Practice Specific Video

Kelly Voigt, TTCP Training Conservationist, demonstrates the process to complete the Field Nitrogen Loss Risk Assessment worksheet.


Evolution of Bale Grazing Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Video

Farmer panel discussion on bale grazing. 

Covers & Co.

Winter Soil Health Virtual Series Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Video

The Minnesota Soil Health Coalition produced a series of webinars in January and February of 2021.  These five webinars are:  Webinar 1…

Minnesota Soil Health Coalition

GIS Training Videos Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) GIS-GPS Video

Mitch Brinks, TSA 1 GIS specialist has a Youtube channel with multiple training videos specific to soil and water conservation work.  


Multifunctional Shelterbelts: Considerations and Designs for Ecobuffers and Ecologically-based Farming Practice Specific Video

Mark Wonneck and Gary Bank  of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada discuss the benefits, functions and design considerations for woody…

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Pollinator Friendly Multi-functional Windbreak Design Practice Specific Video

Mark Wonneck, of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada discusses the habitat requirements for pollinator species and how they can be considered and…

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Shelterbelt Renovation: Manitoba experience Practice Specific Video

Richard Warkentin of the Stanley Soil Management Association in Manitoba presents on their experience with shelterbelt renovations.

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Windbreak Renovation: North Dakota experience Practice Specific Video

Wells County (ND) SWCD Manager, Anne Ehni describes their experience with windbreak renovation.

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Renovation: Experiences in the Field Practice Specific Video

Video describes need for windbreak renovation, equipment and various techniques that can be used.  

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Assessment of Windbreak Condition and Indicators to Renovate Practice Specific Video

Steve Rasmussen, a National Forest Service District Forester presents on evaluating the condition of an existing windbreak to determine if it…

USDA National Agroforestry Center