1W1P stream image


This program targets RIM projects in priority areas that contribute toward goals in Board approved and locally adopted Comprehensive Watershed Management Plans developed through the One Watershed, One Plan program. In the Twin Cities Metro Area, lands identified in a locally adopted watershed management plan, a county groundwater plan, or a soil and water conservation district comprehensive plan are also eligible.

This program is available across areas with approved plans and includes areas of the state that traditionally have not been eligible for RIM programs. Landowners – Check with your Soil and Water Conservation District to see if your land qualifies.


  • Available anywhere a comprehensive watershed management plan has been approved and adopted statewide
  • Integrates habitat planning with comprehensive watershed management planning and provides an incentive for habitat-based projects
  • Implements locally driven conservation priorities as identified in comprehensive watershed management plans
  • Stacks water quality and habitat benefits


In addition to standard RIM Reserve Program general eligibility criteria, applications must meet all three of the following:

  1. The project is identified in or makes a contribution to a goal in a BWSR approved and locally adopted Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan or eligible metro plan (see above).
  2. The project must leverage funds that benefit a priority water resource or contribute to a water related goal in a plan.
  3. The project must protect, restore, or enhance habitat for fish, game, and other wildlife.


Projects will be scored using existing scoring sheets for the easement type being applied for. If a easement type that’s a RIM eligible project but for which a score sheet does not currently exist, BWSR easement staff will create a new score sheet.


Projects of like types will be ranked according to their score, with the highest scoring projects ranked highest.

Project Selection

If decisions need to be made between projects of different types, scoring and ranking will be used in addition to additional considerations such as immediate threat and the strength of the connections in the eligibility criteria. For example, a strong project would be explicitly identified in a plan and use both CWF and OHF on the same project. A weaker project may not be explicitly identified in a plan but reasonably contribute to plan goals and it may fund a project in the same subwatershed (e.g., HUC 12) as another water project.

Payment Rates

Payment rates are based on project type, consistent with existing BWSR programs.

1W1P Payment Rates
Grasslands RIM non-crop rate Standard John Voz
Wellhead RIM rate Standard Dusty VanThuyne
Wetlands RIM rate Standard John Voz
Wild Rice 60% of assessed Tax-assessed Bill Penning
Riparian (protection) 60% of assessed Tax-assessed Bill Penning
Working Lands (grazing) 50% of assessed Tax-assessed John Voz
Riparian and Floodplains (restoration) TBD Standard Dusty VanThuyne













Enrollment Focus and Sign-up Schedule

This program is open statewide in areas with approved plans.  Enrollment begins 2/1/2023. Funding decisions will be made quarterly and the first batching period deadline is March 31th, 2023. Subsequent batching periods are the last day of the month in June, September, December and March.

Easement Application Materials

Geospatial Resources (see geospatial resources section of program pages linked below)



Bill Penning
Conservation Programs Consultant
Julie Westerlund
One Watershed, One Plan Coordinator