IDP Tool home page

photos of training events for a banner

 Frequently Asked Questions:

I can't log into my account. Who can help me with that?

If you know you have an account, but have forgotten your password, use the Forgot Password link to reset it.

If you still need assistance, please contact or Organizational Effectiveness Manager Jenny Gieseke.

We have a new employee at our organization and they're not in the system. Can I add them myself?

Yes. If you have a user account, you can add a new contact for your organization in a "contact-only" capacity. If they need a full user account, go the main eLINK page and click on the "create account" link.

I don't have a lot of time but think this tool is important. What information should I record first into this system?

While you're welcome to upload all of your training history and credentials into the system at any time, we would like users to enter their IDP "desired training" needs first. We'll be running reports and prioritizing the upcoming year's training courses with all training needs data submitted by the annual deadline.

My JAA data isn't appearing under My Credentials or on my IDP - and I know I have JAA.  What should I do?

1) The data from NRCS that appears in the user interface and on the IDP report was updated on September 9, 2021. If your JAA was delegated after this date it may not yet be available through eLINK.

2) If your JAA was delegated before August 2020 but does not show up in eLINK, it was not included in the JAA database provided by NRCS. Work with your supervisor and/or District Conservationist to check with your Area Resource Conservationist (ECS JAA) or Area Engineer (ENG JAA) on the status of your JAA.

3) If none of your JAA data is appearing, and you have JAA from prior to the last updated date from NRCS, send an email to with your full name. JAA records are imported based on a match of names, so sometimes a mismatch (Barb vs. Barbara, Dan vs. Daniel, etc.) can prevent the data from matching your profile. The support team can merge the JAA data into your profile.

I want to log my Conservation Planning credentials or another conservation practice outside of Job Approval Authority. How do I do that?

Within "My Credentials", click on the "non-JAA & other certifications" tab. Then click on "add credentials." In the pop-up window, choose "other.” You can record any other credentials/certifications you have. We encourage you to record Conservation Planner status (e.g. Apprentice Conservation Planner) in here. Certifications for any FOTG conservation practices, where you would normally get JAA, could be inputted here too. You should enter the conservation practice in the Certification Title box (e.g. “PS 412 up to 100 cfs”). 

There's an upcoming training event offered by the Technical Training and Certification Program. Do I have to enter that course attendance?

Nope! TTCP staff will record each person's attendance at formal TTCP courses, including online courses when registration is used, completed after August 1, 2019. 

You will need to enter attendance for non-TTCP trainings and for TTCP trainings completed prior to August 1, 2019 for them to show up in your training record.

Do I have to enter any information I've entered into NRCS's system, AgLearn?

AgLearn tracks NRCS’s online courses and some in-person courses.  There is no need to enter AgLearn requests into this tool; those requests will not be part of the TTCP training needs inventory. However, the four in-person courses required for conservation planning certification should be entered into this tool and need to be entered into AgLearn for enrollment purposes too. The reason for this overlap is to help TTCP track the local demand for these nationally offered NRCS courses. Completed AgLearn courses could be entered into this tool only if you wish to track your history in both places, but this data is not needed by the TTCP. 

What if I have a question that's not listed on this page?

Please send us an email at: We welcome any questions!

Can I use this tool to track attendance at a non-technical training?

Sure - you can track information about any training you attend using the "Add a New Training" feature.  But please note, while you can document any training you've attended, you should not use this system to request non-technical training.

I want to document a training I attended.  How do I know if it’s a TTCP course?

TTCP courses include: technical trainings related to common field office conservation practices, generally advertised through the BWSR/TTCP online registration system, and will carry the four member-TTCP logo on presentation materials.  TTCP trainers will enter attendance for these (see User Guidance / My Training History).  Remember, individual staff along with their supervisor are ultimately responsible for maintaining training history.  If training attendance is not entered on your behalf, log your attendance how you believe it fits (the IDP Skills matrix is a good reference).

Will attendance at BWSR Academy Training sessions be entered for me?

Only TTCP courses offered at Academy will be entered into the system for you.  If a session at academy was organized or delivered by a BWSR Technical Trainer, and is going to be entered into the system on behalf of attendees, there will be a sign-in sheet at the session, and the trainers will let attendees know that they will enter attendance into the IDP tool.   Not all BWSR Academy sessions will meet this description.  If training attendance is not entered on your behalf, log your attendance how you believe it fits (the IDP Skills matrix is a good reference).